Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

Promoting Business & Internet Marketing [internetsmarketingarticles.blogspot.com]

Promoting Business & Internet Marketing [internetsmarketingarticles.blogspot.com]

Question by Have_ass: Any Creative Marketing ideas for Auto/home insurance in California? I've been trying lots of new ideas for marketing my insurance business. I do flyers, internet advertising and more. What made you chose your insurance agent? What sorts of things are important to you, (other than price)? What sort of promotions would you be interested in seeing? Best answer for Any Creative Marketing ideas for Auto/home insurance in California?:

Answer by monkey f
Since I am no longer in the Personal Sales line of insurance I am willing to give up what was successful for me. I am lunch and learn seminars to different business on insurance. In order to gain x-dates and further interest from potential clients I held a raffle at the lunch and learn with cards asking for their current home/auto carrier and x-dates. I got more bang for my buck. I would go into a business (realestate agency/mtg broker) and ask them if I could give a free insurance seminar on a topic I thought they would find interesting. A biggy right now is Identity Theft. I would take no longer than 45 min while they were eating lunch and give my seminar then after stay for questions. It is amazing how many leads you can get in a one time seminar. The real estate agents not only gave me their business but referred clients to me. Good luck and really just have fun with it. If you are in insurance sales you are more than likely a people person so enjoy. If you like golf like I did sponsoring a hole in a golf tournaments is also allot of fun and money well worth the spend.

[internet marketing promotion ideas]

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Fiona Lewis is of the opinion that “online business training has over the years become a boys-club. Now, don't get me wrong, I have learned a wealth of information from some very astute men who are successful internet marketers.” She therefore ... Fiona Lewis Promotes Work from Home Ideas and Internet Marketing Tips for ...

The internet is being designed to be the major marketing and advertising plan for the future. Since millions of people constantly go online on any given day then the potential for sales are now increasing dramatically. There are a few tried and tested methods to advertising online and here is some helpful information on internet marketing.

1. The power of social networks. Social networks offer marketers a lot of useful information about how people interact, socialize, and communicate with each other. Social networks are also a marketers dream. There are so many people online that span nearly every facet of social and economic class. Most of these people usually have a personal page on a social network. By the way there is a major social network that has been designed specifically for a marketing, advertising, and selling tool. This network has over 50 million users and right now it's one of the most utilized sites on the internet.


eBay is another area for internet marketing. eBay is an established presence on the web. The very nature of eBay is something that marketers should look into because it gives a good idea on who is online and what they're buying. Marketers would do well in analyzing the potential customer base from eBay and taking important cues from them in creating their plans and methods of advertising.

3. Census sites offer marketers useful information about how our society is structured and how people function. This information usually can be carried over to the internet. For example, if you know that group A that lives on a certain side of town likes to shop at place A, then you could possibly design some advertising that drives them to the internet so you can collect information about them.

Offer them coupons or gift cards that they can use at place A to make it worth their while. Get the information and then use it later on to try and sell to them.

4. Lead based website. These websites are designed by businesses that specialize in gathering information about the spending and buying habits of people then they sell the information to companies and organizations. Internet marketing is something that requires work and dedication in order to translate into sales. The key thing to remember is that marketing is crucial in determining the right way to advertise to people and this hopefully will turn into products, services, or information sold. Remember that the potential ways to market on the internet are expanding and a business has to find the way which works best for them.

Recommend Promoting Business & Internet Marketing Issues

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